Friday, September 9, 2011

Getting There, Part 1

Ironically started a new blog as a desire to follow these chicas: Allison and Kailin on their wonderful journey through nursing school in Houston, whereas I intended to start a blog about nursing school in Dallas only a few months ago...

Better late than never, correct?

My roommate and I moved in on August 1st, but we slowly faded away back to our parentals since we found nothing new or exciting to do whilst alone in Dallas. Only a weekend before the madness of Hell Week (so named since it was 4 days straight of instructors/older students telling us that we would not make it through without constant practice problems, coffee, and the giving up of almost everything we hold dear), did we actually remain in the apartment doing "getting ready" type things.

For me, as most friends know, that was all about Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube for a huge portion of that.

My room was instant perfection, seeing as after 2 move in and move out dates for the dorm I have perfected my simple means of transporting my life in only a few trips. That being said, I live humbly at my parents now, with only what I can carry in a bag (not including the things in the closet and drawers that I can't fit into the apartment... There are more than a few problems coming up in the winter...)

I enjoy immensely having my own room, my own bathroom, and a small kitchen to made breakfast burritos in. I've only made burritos a few times, and I still haven't perfected the art, but at least it is someone decent and filling. :]

After one week of a very calming, de-stressful week at school (of course, this is in the retrospect - when it was occurring there is nothing I couldn't have done faster, better, longer, or less of in regards to getting ready, setting up my schedule, sleeping or eating); after just one week of being an "adult" with responsibilities like buying food to feed yourself (that is a very difficult concept to get through for me...), it was my 21st birthday!

And that being said, this is my 21st birthday legal weekend party-time. :] Amongst angst about school readings and such, I have gotten myself in no trouble, but seriously a lot of party time, with people all over the metroplex. I partied with myself the first night (but my roommate straightened me out when she got home), and I refused to party until I had nothing to do the next time (due to the morning headache). But yesterday, after meeting with my Honors Capstone professor, I arranged a very good lunch, dinner, and early party with some very amazing friends.

And tonight, as I write this blog and dry my hair, instead of doing the mounds of homework and readings that I should be doing, I'll soon be driving to Arlington to have a good time with more people.

I'm in love with my life, and everything in it. <3 I just wish Houston weren't so far away :[